Friday, February 3, 2023

The Yannick and Luisa 'Saga'

 Back in the fall....down in Stuttgart.....these two young activists got arrested for gluing themselves to a hinder traffic.  The cops eventually unglued them, then gave them a summons to a judge. the judge meeting came up....the lawyer for Yannick and Luisa apologize to the judge that they weren't there.

Where were they?  In Thailand on vacation.

Not much the judge can say or do....but wait.

So this story got out into the public, and via social media....I'd say for each person defending Yannick and Luisa....there were probably fifty or more in pretty critical/harsh wording over the antics of the two.  

The story that they were in Bali?  That was BS....they were in Thailand.

Upon seeing all the negativity and planning their return to Germany?  Well....they decided they would fly in some low-carbon deal....ONLY up to Turkey (I assume Istanbul) and from there....ride via some train to Germany.  

Their public statements?  They say they will never travel again....for the rest of their lives.  

The problem here....most of these activists now get labeled as hypocrites and the general public (I'd say it's close to 90-percent) don't take their protest theme in a serious way.  There might be a point or two of agreement....but hindering traffic or shutting down a airport....just doesn't sell well.


M1-19k said...

People with entirely too much time on their hands. Send them to Ukrain.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

I view German Twitter, and there's an abundance of comments like that..."don't they have lives" or "won't prison-life screw up their lives".

This past week, the group has said they intend to double-up on efforts because the public still hasn't reacted to their perceived priorities. So far, in most states...they've tried to get the attention of the group by handing out fines. No one has gotten serious jail-time. I suspect once you start six-month sentences...some of them will freak out (being too fragile) to handle that situation.