Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Regarding Those 'New' Votes Found From The Berlin Election

 This AM, around 9:30.....the authorities say they will open the 450-odd ballots found yesterday, and do a count.  Released of the information?  Well....oddly, they say they won't announce anything until Monday morning.

This turning into a big deal?  There's roughly 105 votes separating the 2nd place SPD Party and 3rd place Green Party.  The general view is that from the 450-odd ballots....the Greens will emerge as the 2nd place winner.  

At that point, the odds of Giffey (SPD Party) keeping her mayor job will dissolve away.  

All of this being a bit odd?  These were mail-in ballots, which the post office seems to have done the right thing up to a certain point....then failed to bring them to the correct building for the final count.  

I will say....for drama pushed things up a notch or two.  


Wrench said...

This sounds rather familiar.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

As screwed up as the city-state election was in Sept 2021...this is probably the only four-star problem to deal with.

What the postal folks will generally say...(some truth in the matter) is that various standards for hiring of folks have been lessen, and competence is not what it was say ten years ago. It is a mistake that should not have happened.

I'm willing to believe the 'finding' and at least it occurs now and not four weeks into the future when negotiations are concluding on the 'build' of the coalition city-state government. For the Greens, it likely means (because of the neighborhood) that they get enough votes to move to 2nd place and there will not be a SPD mayor under any condition.

Finally, I will say...just an awful lot of skepticism within the city on political parties solving problems. Everyday, there's some front-page news and just draws more negativity in the city over crisis management. Other than Hamburg, I can't think of another German city that draws so much negative attention.