Friday, February 24, 2023

Three Interesting Things

 1.  I noticed that the Institute for Economics, Labor and Culture (out of the Goethe University in Frankfurt) did a study, and the state gov't released their report.

Basically....the state of Hessen in five years....will be experiencing a shortage of 178,0900 'skilled' workers.

I looked at their graphical map, and it's an interesting thing.  The marginal areas where the lacking skilled workers will be?  Mostly in the Frankfurt, Wiesbaden, Hanau, and Darmstadt areas.  There's three districts....highly rural....which will have significant numbers of missing skilled workers.

A big deal?  I would imagine various companies in these rural areas are pretty worried and wondering how they will recruit people to move to these regions.

2.  Some group dragged a highly damaged Russian tank from the Ukraine....across Berlin, and dropped it this AM in front of the Russian embassy as a 'statement'.

Normally, even for a damaged'd have to do permits, and I don't think nothing was done in crossing Poland, or entering Germany.

3.  Finally, I noted a brewery in the Berlin area which has developed a non-alcohol 'beer-powder'.

What the deal is about?  

They found a formula of sorts that you could package in 'tab' or in a packet.....throwing in a spoonful or two....into plain water,  and you'd get a beer-tasting drink.

Now....if you asked me....who the hell would want this?  I have no idea.  We already have non-alcohol beer (liquid form).  Why would you want the same a powder form.  I'm just guessing here.....but this product will come-and-go quickly.  

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