Thursday, February 9, 2023

If I Ran Germany.....

 1.  I would impose a law requiring anyone on bicycles or wear a helmet, and safety vest (orange or yellow).

2.  I would impose a law on blocking of public roads and streets without a valid permit for a protest.  You'd be taken downtown, with a judge brought in and your case would take 15 minutes, with a mandatory four months of prison-time (no good behavior deal). The second time?  Double this to eight months.

3.  Drunk or drugged-up on the street?  You'd be taken by the police to a rehab-center and given four weeks of drying-out (no excuses).  Picked-up a second time?  Repeat the process again....over and over.

4.  Triple-up on parking spaces on the autobahn for truck-drivers to sleep overnight.  

5.  Anyone over the age of 25 who does not have a job certification and laid-off? I'd force them back into training, with life-coaching as part of the deal.  

6.  Big-league soccer and booze sales?  On game days....within 1 km of the one could sell beer for 3 hours prior to the game, during the game, and 3 hours after the game.  

7.  Caught in the act of racing on any street?  Automatic appearance in front of a judge within an hour after your arrest, and a full-year of prison....without any discussion.  

8.  Every time you build or erect something....there ought to be a sign up to announce the final cost on the whole project, for everyone to observe.

9.  Once a week, both ARD and ZDF (public TV networks) ought to be required to 'publish' a commentary for an hour from regular Germans off the to sixty seconds, and allow them to give their humble opinions on things.

10.  If toilets on trains can't function more than sixty-percent of the time.....there ought to be a big sign on side of the train....noting the failed toilet statistics, and let everyone know of the problem.


Daz said...

Good to hear that someone's in favour of more regulation and state control.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

The bicycle / E-scooter thing bothers me. They make a law that requires scooter kids (going 25 kph) to wear a helmet, but nothing for bikes or E-scooters.

Daz said...

Funny how the laws we want to make represent the things that irk us the most. I'd have a DNA register on all dogs and when their feces are just left lying there I'd make it a minimum jail term for the owner. Guide dog owners excluded.

Repeat offenders get executed in the town square. ;)