Saturday, February 18, 2023

Is A Disco In Germany In 1978/1984 Different From A Disco In 2023?

Originally, at least from the 1978 to 1984 prospective that I have....German disco operations were designed as a dance-club where you stood a 20-percent chance of meeting some gal, and the music was half-way decent.  

At some point in the 1990s, techno arrived and disco went into a death-spiral affect.  With techno....came Ecstasy (MDMA/Molly) and the clubs often went to opening around 10 PM and staying open to sun-up.

Today?  If you have the word 'disco' on your's probably a dance-club....where some hired 'ladies' are on a stage and dancing to a crowd thats probably 80-percent men.  There will be a bouncer at the door to say if you have proper attire or not, and you probably will be spending 150 Euro for the evening on booze and drinks.  It won't be a cheap experience. 

The other thing you will notice....the building itself (today) will likely be some former warehouse operation that has been converted into a two or three event facility (one side might be techno....another side for marriage parties....another side for Turkish music).  

In my local area (Wiesbaden)?  Most of the disco clubs died out in the 1990s and what remains is mostly a single dance-club that gets mentioned in the local police blotter at least once a week....where a fight brews up either between guys, or between a group of women.  These always seem to occur at 3 AM, and requires three or four police units to restore order.  A meeting of drunks?  Yeah....more or less. 

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