Wednesday, February 8, 2023

What Is The Fiat Lux Cult In Germany?

 Well....first, Fiat Lux is Latin and it translates to mean 'let there be light'....if that makes sense.

This is a German-Swiss group of UFO enthusiasts....mostly based out of SW Germany (Baden-Wurttemberg region), and the border region of Switzerland.  

Around 1980....Erika Hedwig Bertschinger-Eicke started up a 'group'.  My description of her?  Mostly a spiritual/trance guru.  People around her (not Eicke herself)....say she gets messages from Jesus and Mary (his mom).  Why not Joseph?  Unknown....maybe he just wasn't a message kind of guy.  

The cult mostly believes that there is a end-of-times coming, and that aliens will come to save us.

Around 25 years ago.....the 'end' was supposed to arrive.  That day came and went....with the excuse that a lot of praying shifted the date around.

How many Germans in the cult?  It's suggested that roughly a hundred folks are hard-core types, and maybe another two-to-three-thousands are associated in some way with the group.

Their chief gimmicks?  When they do ceremonies....they wear white robes.  They also claim to be 100-percent vegans.

Odds of you bumping into the group?  Pretty much zero.  You won't find them in the other 15 states of Germany, and the news media rarely if ever....covers them.  

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