Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Update On Berlin Election

 Well....it is a little story here in the Berlin Sunday election to tell.

What separates 2nd place winner SPD from 3rd place Green Party....is 105 votes.  Yes, that's it.

So it's odd today....the chief of the voting business for the city now says that roughly 455 ballots (already cast) were picked up at the city postal system today, and have yet to be counted.

Changing the outcome?  No one says much.

The ballots coming from a district that voted a bit more for the Green Party?  Yeah. 

My humble view....the ballots will be counted, and announced by 9 AM tomorrow....with two out of five being for the Green Party, and the rest divided among the Linke Party, SPD and CDU.  I would guess in the end....the Greens lead by a minimum of 25 votes in 2nd place.  

A big deal?  It puts the SPD in a position....even if they were to get a coalition going....the city mayor would have to be a Green Party person, and the SPD would be a junior-partner.

UPDATE: The updated vote business?  It won't be done until Friday.  Some Germans aren't going to buy into the delay business.

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