Friday, February 3, 2023

How I Spent Last Night

 My German wife controls the TV business from 8 PM on each night.  So I had to sit last night, viewing HR (our regional public TV folks from Hessen) and some health report.

Topic?  World without meat, part I (there's a part II, and III....if you were curious).

My best description?  It was like an old DDR (East Germany) propaganda piece.  Part I was simply a lead-in lecture....telling you the world's path and how meat would just 'end' one day.  

I tried to show make my wife happy, but frankly....I was continually viewing Twitter and looking up new conspiracy theory stuff and Russian BS chatter over the evil Germans (propaganda as well).

To be honest, with all the Russian, Ukrainian, German, Brit, and American propaganda....I could stay fake-focused on propaganda around eight hours everyday.

I'm waiting for the day when HR does a big update to suggest single ply toilet-paper has become the newest hyped-up fad.  

1 comment:

Wrench said...

I suddenly have the urge for a cheeseburger.