Saturday, February 18, 2023

Spy Story

 In the past month, this page-three type story has unfolded.  

Basically....this guy who had been recently promoted to a top position in Germany's BND (their CIA), and headed up the technical reconnaissance division....was a secret agent for the Russians.

When he got caught?  Well....the Russians had asked for the location of the US HIMARS launchers in Ukraine.

Cash-flow?  It depends on who is telling the story....but one news source suggests the guy had a payment of 100,000 Euro at some point.  Truth to the story?  I would be skeptical.

So, here's the thing....a number of folks are looking at the story, and now asking the question.....are there more spies within the German government?

People were often thinking over Soviet spies in the 1960s/1970s in West Germany.  That period went away, and up to now.....the spy business was thought to be mostly 'gone'.

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