Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Public Forum Chatter

 I caught up this AM with the ARD (German public TV, Channel 1) public forum show from last night (Monday).....'Hart Aber Fair'.  Topic was?  Well...the Russia-Ukraine war....from a different mindset....pushing the peace agenda.

So for reference.....the Linke Party has this person within their group....Sahra Wegenknecht....who has pushed along a political agenda of stressing peace talks between the Ukraine and Russia.  

The Hart Aber Fair 'group'?  It was basically anti-Wegenknecht moderator and four additional negative Wegenknecht folks.  

The title of the night's discussion?  'Peace with Putin's Russia: an illusion'.

It was an odd public forum, and Wegenknecht was mostly trying to sell peace talks with people who just aren't of the same mindset.  But if you tried to bring up pro-peace talks and anti-peace talks agenda....it just isn't in the top 500 subjects of the typical working-class German.

At some point, the moderator tried to ask if he was part of the 'lying press' of Germany, and you got the feeling that Wegenknecht had to defend the guy while probably believing he was BSing folks to some degree.

A worthwhile public forum?  Well....you need to eventually reach an end to the war, and you kinda wonder....how this script will read.  Some Germans are probably skeptical at this point....believing the war will be lasting years more.  Some will ask just how much is this going to cost Germany over the next couple of years.  

There probably needed to be some discussion over the topic, but I suspect the vast majority of Germans flipped over to some reality TV show, soccer game, Baywatch rerun, or who-wants-to-be-a-millionaire show.  

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