Monday, October 21, 2019

100th Knife

The Wiesbaden cops proudly announced that as of this past weekend, they'd now confiscated 100 knives in the no-knife zone (mid-section of town) since the implementation of the zone back ten months ago.

As they pound their chest on this, and hype that they've made Wiesbaden safer, there's zero indication that there are fewer knives in the city.

The curious left out of their statement?  Well, the policy that got implemented....said you would have to appear in court and in front of a judge after the confiscation, and that a fine of up to 5,000 Euro was possible.  But they avoided talking about the court appearances, or the fines.

The odds that the majority of the fines never went past 100 euro?  I would imagine that the vast majority of the situations were in  that ballpark.

The suggestion of this having an affect?  There's hardly more than two weeks that pass that you have another gentleman or two in possession of a knife in the 'zone'.  So the law in most respects has very limited success.  If I were the cops, I'd make up a museum 'window' somewhere and mount the confiscated knives as a display.

Update: 21 Oct 2019, around 10:50 PM....cops got called into the central part of the city, within the knife-zone.  An argument started up between some older guy and a younger guy....with the younger guy pulling a knife and stabbing the older guy.  Serious medical attention required....he appears to survive.  Cops looking for some guy but no real ID.  But the guy is noted as a eastern Europe type (figure Romanian or Bulgarian).   That's the continuing saga of the city.....after dark, it's just not as safe as it might have been thirty years ago. 

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