Sunday, October 20, 2019

Mail Chatter

There is a political discussion underway by the FDP Party over the German postal system, and in a effort to save money....they are proposing the idea of mail delivery being terminated for Mondays.  You'd have mail delivered Tuesday through Saturday.

Odds of this moving forward?  Zero.  The SPD Party has said 'NO' on the idea and they believe the public wants six-day delivery. 

The curious thing, if you measured against the 1990s....I would suggest that almost two-thirds of all package delivery is now done by non-postal delivery.  In an average month, I'll have Amazon or commercial delivery on three occasions to our German household.  Mail itself?  Almost half of all the stuff that comes in via the postal folks....are catalogs or junk-mail status. 

I suspect if you went and asked most German people in a direct fashion....more than half would agree that either Saturday or Monday delivery could be terminated without any heartburn. 

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