Wednesday, October 9, 2019

What is This Wilkes Scandal About?

Over the past week, this scandal has broken out in Germany, and concerns a meat-packing company here in Hessen.

So it starts with two Germans dead from contaminated meat, and around 30 cases of serious health problems for other folks.  It leads back to this company Wilkes.

The pictures?  Well, that just infuriates people even more.....mold all over refrigeratored meat in the company.  Add onto issues, and the company declaring bankruptcy this week.

Someone going to jail?  Public TV journalists are suggesting a full-scale court action on the CEO and he just might be getting some kind of murder-related charges with the two dead folks.  Doctors on this chat?  They say if you had a weaker immune'd be stricken fairly quick, and unless you had great care from the first might not survive.

Last night, this led off as news number one, and it's the front page of most papers this morning.

Update: Friday morning.  HR (Hessen public TV) is reporting more deaths attached to the bad meat.  At least three additional deaths.  Other states are investigating now.  Will go badly for the ownership. 

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