Saturday, October 12, 2019

E-Scooter Chatter

There's an interesting piece off N-TV (commercial German news) today, which talks to the 'cost' of e-scooters (the new 'toy' in Germany).

If you get caught without the operating-permit?  70 Euro.  This permit simply says that the scooter has all the requirements of the general regulation (eKFV).

Yes, the cops can stop you on the street and ask for this eKFV, and without it, you've got problems.  It functions like a car registration except it says that the scooter meets all required mandates.

No valid insurance label?  40 Euro fine.  You have to have a minimum of liability insurance on the e-scooter.  Cost of the insurance, per year?  Right now around 30 Euro.  I expect it to increase in 2020.  I should also note that is only basic insurance.  If you want to cover theft, damage, or battery 'fire''d add onto that insurance package. 

Riding the e-scooter in a forbidden area (shopping district for example)?  That's 30 Euro for the fine. 

Driving in a bad manner or risky behavior?  That's 25 Euro. 

Doing something that the e-scooter wasn't meant to do?  20 Euro fine.

Having a second friend hop on the e-scooter?  That's a's only meant for one person.

Riding around in the dark without a lamp/light?  That's a 20 Euro fine.

No horn or bell?  That's a 15 Euro fine.

Being harshly treated by the authorities?  I would imagine that a lot of people feel that way.  This e-scooter thing, whether it's a decent comparison or not.....often compares to the quad-bikes that you see in the US and people going out to weird places to push the quad-bike to the extreme.  E-scooters are going the same the extreme.

At some point in the next year, I expect e-scooter 'ranges' to be developed (like a go-kart complex), and you pay 20 Euro to do extreme things on a urban-type park. 

Going to the level of being dangerous?  Yes....there is no doubt about that. 

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