Thursday, October 24, 2019

Time Health Problems

This weekend...I have to sit and patiently assist my German wife in getting over Daylight Savings Time (DST). 

The German health insurance companies have all come to agree that roughly one-third of the German population has a serious problem in adjusting to the time-shift.  Panic, anxiety, stress, and angst.....all bundled up into one single day and the shift of one single hour.

Germany didn't get into this scheme until 1916 (the WW I period) and ran it briefly for 3 years.  No one talks much over the necessarily of ending it...other than the war ending, and it didn't make any sense to continue this.

Around came back again and was used for roughly nine years (ending in 1949).  Again, public sentiment was strong enough to terminate it.

It came back in 1980, as part of the fuel crisis solutions.

Today, if you walked around and asked....more than three-quarters of the German population are not just mildly anti-DST.....they are strongly against it. 

In handling my wife, it takes roughly an entire week for her internal clock to reset, and it'll be mentioned at least ten times per day about this shift being unnecessary.  Across the nation....I would imagine its the same story. 

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