Thursday, August 6, 2020

Accident From 2019 Story

In mid-November of 2019, we had this unusual bus accident mid-town Wiesbaden.  One person dead, and 23 wounded in some fashion.

So to tell this story.....the bus pulls up in front of the train station area of town.  From this point at the bus stop....he can ONLY turn right (he would basically go past the light, then can't turn left or go straight).

In this brief period (probably three minutes)....the original driver gets out (motor is running) and the second driver enters (this guy is 65 and just days away from retirement).

New driver closes the doors.  Light turns green, and something happens to convince him to go forward....not just across the first lane, or the second, but across a 2-meter green grassy 'strip' and across three more lanes of traffic with almost no traffic occurring at the time to impede his 'launch' hit a second bus stop area....where the death and misery business occurs.

The bus folks and city have concluded the report as of yesterday.

They can't fault the bus, it's controls, the light at the corner, or comes down to the two drivers.

The charge being discussed?  Negligent homicide.

Over the past five years, I've been on this corner at least 300 times.  It's a scenic landscape....the city train station about 150 meters away. 

Just getting past the middle strip of grassy area was an accomplishment by itself and the driver should have hit the brakes but continued on.  So for me, it's hard to imagine this accident without willing nature or some type of alcohol/drug usage.

For the bus company, the police and city?  Nine months of investigation.  Nothing makes any sense.  And the driver in this case.....just days away from full-up retirement....which makes no sense. 

The odd thing?  This is one of the busiest intersections in Wiesbaden (a T-section).  After the crossing of the grassy strip....the driver should have encountered three lanes of cars and trucks to hinder him from hitting the bus stop area.  In some odd and strange convenient way.....there wasn't anything much there to hinder the bus. 

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