Thursday, August 27, 2020


The German word came up today....'Meldemuschi', and I had to go and look it up.

So it means in some way 'message pussy'. 

The way this gets have this German who wants to correct you and believes that the authorities or the social media 'muscle-boys' can force you into some situation.  So they call the Facebook crowd, the Twitter crowd, the police, and 'rat' on you.

Some Germans will say that it's 'reporting pussies' (being plural).

Naturally, it's a critical term, and insulting in some ways. 

The Meldemuschi failed to win the argument, and believes in his/her need to be stopped. 

On Twitter these's done a good bit, and the Twitter management has to close the case, and in most situations....they admit you didn't violate their policy.  But the curious thing....they word this now...for Americans writing on American-Twitter....that they didn't violate German law.

The more often this comes up and the 'German law' thing appears, it just simply comes across like some 1933-era regulation and makes you imagine Brown Shirts at the door.  It was never the intent when this Melemuschi creation occurred with social media, but that's the basic end-result.

So when you see or hear Meldemuschi....don't get worried.  You'd been reported by someone who thinks your discussion or argument is dangerous, and they need to stop you. 

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