Monday, August 31, 2020

Political Chatter

We are closing in on the 1-year period prior to the national German it would be near the point where the parties start to discuss the future, have party meetings, and agree on their Chancellor-candidates.

Over the weekend, the CDU-CSU and SPD parties met, and wrote up a draft for a national rule change. 

Basically, they are concerned about Covid-19, and the idea of party meetings.  The law says that a party meeting must be held, a vote occurring there, and the Chancellor-candidate coming out of this meeting (if you are an American, it'd be a Convention-like setting).

So they are going to amend the national voting law, and allow postal voting of the conferences. 

The way this will work?  It's not totally laid out but one would assume some video-presentation would be made to members only.  Remember, in Germany, you pay to be a party member.  If you don't have no say in the candidate.

After the video-presentation, one would assume a ballot will be issued to you, and you select the candidate, and they proceed on. 

Trust in the German postal system?  You rarely hear of any incompetence with the Post people, and I'd rate their service at a higher level than what you see in the US. 

What you can say about this election change coming....the fear of Covid-19 extends well into 2021, and this is probably the beginning of little exceptions to occur in the election year. 

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