Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Handling a No-Mask Guy

Depending on which state you live in....within Germany, there are generally two paths to a no-mask guy entering a store.

First, the store can contact the guy and ask in a friendly way to put on a mask, and just hope he cooperates.

Second, after the store makes contact and the guy still refuses.....then they can call the police. 

I noticed today, via Focus, the second method came into play, and had an interesting outcome.

Up in Dortmund, the store tried to convince the guy to put on a mask, and he just simply refused.  So they call the police.

The two-man team arrives, and asks the guy to put the mask on....he refuses.  The guy is apparently of the 'Reich citizen' group....meaning they don't believe the current government or any government since a legit government.  We can debate this issue another day, but at this point....things got a bit chaotic.

The guy 'resisted' the two-man patrol....meaning he used physical methods and hurt them in some way.

Another patrol ended up on the scene, and they apparently used enough 'force' to put the guy under some handcuffs.  He still resisted a good bit.

Charges?  Well...the Infection Act charge is enough for a month or two in jail.  But resisting arrest and using harm against the police?  That's probably enough for a minimum of one year in jail. 

It's a stupid thing to mess around with the grocery folks or the police on this. 

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