Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Police Troubles

In the past week, a couple of public videos have come up (from Frankfurt, Hamburg and Dusseldorf)....showing the German police in situations similar to what happened to Minneapolis police.  ARD has done a decent reporting of the episodes and it's worth a read.

In the Frankfurt situation....the 'kid' was kicked while held on the ground (by the policeman).  In that case, if you follow what local news is saying and the commentary of the Hessen Interior Minister....there's going to be an investigation  and I would suggest that policeman probably will be looking for new employment in six months.

In the Hamburg episode....the police are still in some form of denial over the force used. 

All of this is going to trigger public discussion over police use of force, and when it is necessary.  If individuals cooperated upon a detention.....none of this would be required, so it also brings up non-cooperation, and refusal by individuals to be cooperative. 

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