Saturday, August 22, 2020

Germany and Covid-19 Chatter

1.  This morning, if you watch N-TV news (commercial news network in Germany), the hype is that the daily infection rate has hit 2k.....highest number (per day) over the past four months.  It worries the politicians greatly, and drags up the new ban rule talk.  Part of the problem relates to schools reopening, and part goes to vacations to hot-zones.

2.  Brussels got put yesterday on the 'hot-zone' list.  If you fly or drive into the city, and return to need to be tested.

3.  Cities are admitting now that the data system for the traveler tests....has marginally worked, and they need the IT people to 'dream-up' a simplified system.

The obligation for you, after the trip, to test either at the airport facilities, or your local district testing office?  Folks have awoken in the past couple of days to admit that there's too many layers of info, and they can't possibly go back to track down these hundred or thousand folks who simply skipped the testing requirement. 

4.  If you knowingly violate the quarantine paperwork after testing positive for Covid-19?  A lot of talk going on that the 25k Euro fine business will be pushed hard against these 'bad-boys'.  Just the act of you walking two blocks to a grocery to buy fruit....could get you fined.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

First, thanks for your blogging. It take a lot of effort on your part but with your wit and humor it makes dealing with LIG easier.

Now to point. With 2,000 folks being (gasp) testing positive to the CRAZY-19 flu per day with a population of about 83 million in Germany that would be less than 1% per year of the total. Or put another way. . . it would take about 113 years for everyone in the Schnitzel Republic to be exposed to CRAZY-19.

Unlike back in February/March we now understand this version of the flu, know who is affected (the old and compromised) and how to deal with infection early to avoid being sent to hospital, so can someone tell me why we are wearing "nose burka's", causing our children and many adults mental health issues?

As Mister Spock would say in the cheesy early Star Trek "This Does Not Compute".

Again, thanks much for your fine blog. I wonder if it is just us Bama Boys (I'm also from UA) who seem to see things differently.