Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Left-Left-Left (Red-Red-Red) Government?

News journalists since the weekend in Germany have chatted over the enthusiasm of political folks to bring about a red-red-red government.

The scenario would work this way.

The fall election in 2021 would result in either the SPD or Green Party gaining a majority (figure near 30-percent), with the CDU likely a point or two behind them.

The lead party (the winner) would then turn to the 3rd place winner, and the Linke Party, having just enough votes (just over 50-percent) to have a coalition government.

The odds of this?  You have to depend on the CDU/CSU folks to really screw up and have the lowest turn-out in the past twenty years.  The chief topic for the election needs also to be about the environment, and social concerns....NOT employment and economic woes.

Should one just say this is a waste of time and sanity to talk over this scenario?  Well...we are in the midst of a dry spell or drought, and no real 'climax-like' situation for politics. 

If you walked around and asked Germans over their preference for a red-red-red government, I'd suggest that more than 80-percent of adults would say it's not exactly a government that they'd desire.  They want changes, but step-by-step type changes. 

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