Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Better Party While You Can

This morning via N-TV news....they had a segment talking over commentary by the German Federal Health Minister....Spahn.

Basically, the infection numbers are increasing, and the idea of a second 'shut-down' are being discussed.  But, before we get to that....the general idea being discussed....is that you really screw down all drinking and partying in Germany, with more regulations.

This would mean standardized rules (federally mandated) over the location of public and private 'parties', and with additional rules on ventilation.

Being agreeable?  Well....the hotels, restaurants, and bars would prefer a few more rules, than a complete and absolute shut-down (like the spring episode).  They probably would admit that they can't survive another two months of maximum shut-down.

Where this will lead onto?  Secretive and sudden commercial parties announced in wooded areas or city parks....that's my guess. 

Let's be honest here and admit this one fact....there's probably about four weeks of summer left, and the fall season will arrive.  This regulation chatter will take barely a week, and I'll bet before the conclusion of August....you get a half-page of new and additional rules for drinking establishments. 

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