Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Corona Chatter

I noticed via the HR TV folks (our regional public network in Hessen) a serious note on the Coronavirus.

Two medical groups in Hessen (Hausärzteverband Hessen eV and Hessian state Association of the Professional Association of Pediatricians) who came to have heartburn over the recent order for mandatory tests for all vacation folks who were in 'hot zones' be Corona-tested.

Part of the wording is that you have to do it within 72 hours....either at the airport facility, or at your local doctor. 

The chief complaint here?  The doctors feel they already have enough on their plate and they don't need 'more' customers.

They also point out....we are a month away from flu-shot season, and need to dedicate their time toward this priority.

And it's been brought up that data from the tickets or travel data, needed to prove to the authorities about the travel and the test questionable if it has to go into the database of the clinic/doctor. 

If this had been a normal travel summer with millions of Germans on the run, and in 'hot zones'?  The mandated rule probably wouldn't work with doctors around the country.  Right now, I would imagine it's closer to 10-percent of the normal numbers that left the country.  In four weeks, the vacation season will officially end. 

The data protection problem that the doctors bring up....probably is correct, and some type of updated regulation probably needs to be brought up....without the ticket/travel info. 

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