Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Free Covid-19 Test for Travelers Ending?

Well....as quickly as this mandated requirement came up and it was set for free....the discussions are now going to turning off the 'free' deal.

Kinda funny, if you think about it.

So what ARD news (public TV, Channel One) says....while there is no agreement yet, it will be forthcoming.

The German federal government will revise the test business at the conclusion of summer vacation periods (coming up in roughly 2 to 5 weeks).  This is the disagreement among folks....some want mid-September.  Some want the end of September.

Added to the change....test requirements from high-risk areas will end at the same time.

What gets added?  As you return from a high-risk vacation site....you will enter a 14-day quarantine in Germany, unless you test negative.  They are careful to note, it'll be in your home or apartment.  If you think about it....to go back to work on time....you'd have to test.  Doing this over the weekend, via your doctor?  Zero, or impossible.  So you'd have to take Monday off as part of the quarantine game, probably Tuesday as well....waiting for results, and then return to work on Wednesday. 

So what drove this change?  Well....deep into the numbers, all the added tests of the past month put the labs in Germany to maximum capacity.

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