Monday, August 24, 2020

Germany and Covid-19: 24 August 2020

1.  There's a good piece over at N-TV this morning....discussing infection immunity.  Some new studies suggest if you did have Covid-19, there is 'some' immunity and for a period of'd likely not be infected.  Different from person to person?  Yeah, that's really the discussion hype to the news item.

If you think about the discussion....all of this would lead to a anti-bodies test (to later be developed) and some type of measurement given to you (maybe you have six months of immunity....maybe you have two years of immunity).

2.  The three German states with significant new infection rates: Hessen, NRW, Baden-Wurttemberg.

3.  Moodys came up in the N-TV business news....talking over worries of Covid-19 and commercial loan deals for property.  What they say is that 'considerable risk' is at play here and banks could dig themselves into a spiral.

4.  My local town of Wiesbaden made up a new ban groups of more than 50 people, with prior approval.  So weddings and birthday parties have a limit now.

5. Authorities put a kindergarten operation in Bad Nauheim under quarantine.  Two weeks for the kids and the operations staff.

6.  There's a discussion that came up in Hessen, over tests administered to teachers.  The public TV folks (HR) went and asked questions over this process.  Doctors are saying that once you administer the Covid-19 test.....if you wait 72 hours before the lab opens the test and check results....the test could be deemed  invalid. 

7.  Berlin-City is reaching a maximum capacity on Covid-19 testing (locally).....saying they are at the 93-percent point of what they can handle.

Cause?  Well....all these travelers now forced to test upon returning from their vacation.  Odds that this will ease?  Vacation periods for the summer are ending shortly, and this testing business will probably drop by significantly within three weeks. 

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