Saturday, June 5, 2021

Money Story

 It's a stimulating business story that popped up on N-TV German news this morning.

It's a story that politicians probably don't want to talk about.  Money-laundering.

Both the EU and Germany admit that it's become a massive issue in Germany, and various rule/regulations are being halt it.

But there is this factor that plays into this.....all this 'dirty-money' is stirring the economy in a positive way.  No one is saying the amount of positive nature....but it's not a minor deal. 

Where the money comes from?  Drugs, hookers, corruption, gambling, black market items, illegal cigarettes', etc.

Back in 2016, the amount being flushed via Germany?  Around 100 billion Euro. 

To fight this?  Well, the EU is talking about a deal where you can only pay a max of 10,000 Euro in 'cash' for anything.....the rest has to be a electronic transfer.  Effect?  Unknown.  So far, this is only a discussion item, and I suspect various parties in the Bundestag might not be happy about it.  

I sat and read over the chatter.....wondering if you showed up with 10k Euro in this scenario, and dropped a dozen bars of gold....if that would avoid the rule?

As for a slowdown in the German economy because of this regulation?  I would suggest that the money-laundering folks aren't stupid, and they will invent another way to harvest money via the German economy.  

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