Saturday, October 29, 2022

Is There Any Real Russian Cash-Flow Going On?

 Well....Russia made 55-billion dollars from natural gas sales in 2021....the vast amount....from sales to Europe.  With Nord Stream I 'gone'....likely not to be connected back....the question pops there cash flow?

If you look at oil and remaining natural gas sales (to China and the marginal movement of gas to Europe up to the collapse of NS II)....Russia does appear to have made around 155-billion dollars so far in 2022.  

If you were to classify this....they certainly aren't broke, and there's money moving around the government and private sector.  The chief problem.....a lot of the expertise and equipment to accomplish the oil/natural gas movement (ships included).....were non-Russian.  

The longer this sanction business goes on.....the more likely it is that pieces and parts will break down, and the customers will be 'stuck' with marginal to zero movement of oil/natural gas.  At that will halt, and I suspect it'll be a pretty gloomy moment for the ultra rich of Moscow. 

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