Sunday, October 30, 2022

Chinese Secret Police Story

 Rather odd story popped up in the past two days....Chinese police reported active in Germany.

So what's the whole thing about?  

A non-gov't 'tip' occurred....suggesting that four European cities have a Chinese police presence (Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Dublin and Rotterdam).  My regional public TV folks report most of the story here.

The Germans point out that there is no agreement for such a police unit to exist in Germany, and if there is's a problem.

What's said here....this 'center' in Frankfurt (if it does exist)....supports Chinese students/guests.....getting driver's licenses, passport support, etc.  

On the negative side, it's suggested that they spy on Chinese citizens here.

I sat and reviewed the numbers in Hessen....of Chinese.  It's around 15,000....of which 13k of them are students in some way at Darmstadt's university. 

My humble view?  Fifty percent of this story might be true and the office working as a support function.  The rest of this might not be a pleasant story to lay out and you just wonder how they operated, and if this had been up for several years or a decade....without being noticed.  


Daz said...

Definitely true. Check out thechinashow on YouTube. They did an episode about it.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

There are basically three questions. 1-Is this Frankfurt office manned by Chinese secret police or by Chinese office-people who just speak German? 2-Were they doing anything beyond student help? 3-Just how long were they there and doing this, without some treaty agreement in existence?

It wouldn't shock me if they've been around in Frankfurt for 20 years. Take into consideration 40,000-odd Chinese are in some type of college program, and it'd only make sense that you'd have a dozen-odd folks at some central 'help'.

German authorities standing there and saying they never noticed this, or knew anything about this? I think that admittance is the comical part of the story. We will probably in a month...find out that the German spy guys tried to tell Merkel and 'company' a decade ago of the problem, and they refused to listen.

Daz said...

It's actually police, and they're in many countries. Check out the show I recommended. I think you'd enjoy it. It's an American and South African who lived there for over a decade.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

I've seen a fair bit of their podcasts....which I regard both as simply telling the middle-of-the-road-truth to a situation. The chief problem, if this office exists (I don't doubt that part)...then who mans it, and if it's plain clothing police....there's a big issue brewing here. But it begs the question....does the federal level or Hessen-level have the 'balls' to square away and task them to immediately leave. I doubt it.

I'll add this....if they've been around for a decade, with the German police aware of their existence and no one in the federal government willing to resolve this...then it's a bigger deal than folks imagine. It's something stupid enough to trigger some scandal and require a truth-commission to figure who knew what, and when.