1. To explain this debt-talks situation?
The German Constitution says you can only assume x-amount of debt as a gov't. So they have reached that. In the strategy of the new incoming CDU-CSU-SPD coalition....they want a stronger military budget (500 billion Euro discussed)....they need to reword the Constitution. This requires more than a simple majority....so they need help from the Green Party.
The Greens are saying presently 'NO'...we won't cooperate.
For Merz, the future Chancellor....this is a big deal. He needs this budget to show Trump and ensure the US is still a key partner in NATO. This would push military spending for the four years....up around 4-to-5 percent of GDP.
What Merz will have to do....to make the Greens happy? Unknown.
Public feeling over this? I'd say around forty-percent of Germans see this debt business in a critical and negative way.
2. Constitutional Court met....considered the request by the BSW Party to force a national re-count....then said 'no'. Logic? It would appear that the BSW folks could not show one single solid piece of evidence of corrupt counting. So the numbers for the election are now final.
The re-vote demanded five years ago for Berlin-City voting? Different outcome, and they could easily show crappy management of the voting structure.
3. Gov't numbers released for 2024.....just over 400 people drowned in Germany.
4. The city of Marburg....usually holds a Cherry Blossom Festival. Well...it's been cancelled this year....due to the anticipated cost of security requirements. Their Rose Monday parade...cancelled...same reasons. All this terror stuff adds up with extra police action.
I went to the Wiesbaden parade two weeks ago, and will admit....fair amount of extra security (garbage trucks parked to block traffic for example).
5. Since fall of 2024.....there's been increased stationary border controls here in Germany. The Federal Police Commissioner has received a high number of complaints.
Reason? Well...the random checks are suggested to be centered on physical things....you know....racial profiling. So folks say it's unfair....they have a dark complexation....approach the border ten times in a month, and get selected for a 'check' nine out of ten times.
I've been to the French border and returned to Germany twice since the 'checks' started....just waved through.
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