This week.....a fair amount of German news is focused on March the Covid crisis started up.
I went back to my blog of that month. Highlights?
12,000 Germans were 'stuck' in New were halted. Some folks were stuck there for weeks....waiting for the German gov't to rescue them.
Crisis-chatter nightly via ARD/ZDF.
549 Germans were dead from the virus by the end of the month.
Zoos were being shutdown....animals missed human contact.
Some cities were mandating a mouth/nose covering.
For the few flights still operating....if you flew into had to be tested at the airport/near-by.
Finance Minister of Hessen commits suicide over the stress involved with Covid. He was regarded as the next Premier-President of the German state...major shock.
Some German cities preparing 'bad-boy' facilities.....where if you are not cooperating on quarantine rules....the cops will drag you to a guarded building and force you to play by the rules.
Lufthansa put 31,000 people on short-work details.
From one particular area of Italy....51 Italian doctors reported dead.
German border closed to asylum seekers.
Once tested't policy is that you are on home-quarantine for 14 days.
Fight at a Frankfurt shop...over toilet paper. People were in fear of a national shortage.
Becks beer produces pure alcohol for disinfectant purposes.
Jails releasing folks ahead of schedule.
National shortage of masks being reported.
It's just an odd era, and people seem to have marginal memory of the details.
2020 will go down as the worst for me. I lost a sister and my mother during the Covid lunacy. They did not die from Covid but from natural causes. My point is, I was restricted from travel at this time and could not attend their funerals.
Privately, I think if you engage anyone (German or American) probably would get at least ten criticisms of the era. What I do find quickly as it was turned 'on' early was turned off and in a matter of months...forgotten by half of society. I would agree....on lunacy, nothing will ever exceed that 3-year period.
The BS the governments put out was debunked and people wised up - awareness "turned on". Thus sowing the strong distrust of the establishment/Davos crowd
Oh I would readily agree....BS-meters developed rapidly. Just from my blog of the 3-year era....I think one could write a 700-page book of weird policy decisions that made no sense.
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