Friday, March 7, 2025

Police Story

This AM (4:30 about).....Schönebeck near Magdeburg....German cops were called.

Description so far....some Afghan guy in a stairwell of a apartment building....was  waving a knife around....threatening another German guy.

So the cops arrive and try to calm the guy failed.....police were forced into shooting the guy (dead).

I should note here....within the building (after the police arrived)....they fired three warning shots....before the final 4th round.  

What the argument was about?  No one says.  Typically....if you were on a German street at 4:30 would be some really stupid crap that you'd be arguing about. Odds of alcohol or drugs contributing?  If I were a betting man....better than 90-percent chance that one or both are in the mix.

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