Thursday, March 13, 2025

Tariff Chatter

 I went to a German grocery last night with the wife, and stood in the liquor/wine area for a good ten minutes.  My mind was on the tariff business and booze.

If you asked me on 'labels' for booze at the shop....there's about 300 brands/types of booze, and out of that....if you asking American-labels....probably 10 (mostly whiskey and gin).  So lets say roughly 3-percent of their items.

For wines?  Out of the four-hundred brands/types....maybe two bottles from the US. 

When the full-force of the tariff occurs?  I'm guessing the grocery 'bosses' will cut half of the US options.  Jack Daniels and Jim Beam probably survive...Maker's  Mark might survive.  Jameson High....might make the cut.

So to be honest....the bulk of German booze drinkers rarely drink US whiskey.  

The new non-alcohol gins?  I looked at the labels....NONE were US brands.  There's at least thirty different brands  on the shelf.  I would not  drink the stuff myself.

As for what I would miss?  Mostly Hendrick's Gin and Beefeater's London Dry Gin.

The wealthy Germans still buying the good stuff?  Well....yeah, that's my best guess.  Even if you put a 200-percent tariff on Hendrick's  Gin, and make  a cocktail up around 18 Euro....people would still  pay it.

So here's the has to start asking the question....if the EU is collecting $50-odd-billlion a is the money dispensed out?   Will each of the 28 countries get a 'cut'?  This isn't openly discussed off the nightly news, and I'm curious what the answer is.

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