Tuesday, March 11, 2025

BS Story

 Germany had signed a contract for 35 F-35 fighter jets (Lockheed Martin).

So about a week ago...some BS came up and said in public news....that the F-35 came with a kill-switch....that in some fashion....the Pentagon could turn 'off' the jet.  So this started a discussion if the German gov't should proceed.

My German wife brought this to my attention....asking why we 'screw-over' Germany?

My initial reaction was to suggest that Nazis might take over the government....meaning the AfD.  But after 60 seconds....I went to research the entire topic.

Well....there is no kill-switch.  I even had one retired Air Force mechanic ask me.....what idiot would fly in 'any' plane....that had a 'kill-switch'?  It'd be the same way if driving in a car, and some 'kill-switch' technology existed.  

This BS started up and went into overdrive....as fake-news.

The plane having a requirement for software updates? Yeah.  I have no idea how Lockheed Martin sells the 'product', and how yearly updates occur....but that's about the only limiting angle.

How many Germans believe the kill-switch story?  Oh...I imagine at least 50-percent.


mnewman7 said...

You seem to be consistent in your following the left-wing talking points with your labelling of the AfD. Considering your background and my perception developed from you other blog, I'm surprised you do this

Schnitzel_Republic said...

I've sat since day one of AfD existence....viewing their path. In the beginning...they were a anti-Euro (currency) political party. I could actually see the logic they were discussing. Over the 1st year, probably around 10-percent of Germans readily agreed with them. Then came the refugee era (starting really in 2013, but public-frustration settled into place around 2014). There's a party meeting (remember, Germans pay a monthly fee...to be members of any party), and membership at the meeting tell the party-boss....adapt a new platform...anti-migration. Leadership says no....go start a new party. Well...they force a 'firing' of the leadership, and this group takes over the AfD. It's legal, but a odd development.

Overnight, journalists 'fret' over the situation. National crisis 'circus' development. All Merkel an crew had to do....establish limits. Instead, Merkel's crew went to the idea...'if-it's-not-broke-don't fix-it'. We go through a seven-year demonization of AfD. The funny thing...about once a year, both the CDU and SPD have to rig up something to counter the public frustration of immigration. Saying there was no crime issue.....yet hiring 10,000 new extra police.

As for 2025 and AfD? Alice Weidel is actually competent and makes key points. From the next ten players of AfD....six are in Alice's shadow...a couple are pro-Russia types. A couple of their folks at the national level are odd-ball types. Yet, because the SPD and CDU can't resolve the threat-business and get their hands around deportation...AfD still trends (near 20-percent). If Merz fails, or AfD morphs into a 'help-the-poor-guy-out' party....2029 will arrive and AfD has 25-to-30 percent of the vote.

As for this BS 'kill-button' story....it's obviously faked-up. Not sure who developed it, but I'd say half the public believe in some parts of it.