Monday, June 7, 2021

Q and A: Germany: Week of 7 June 2021

 Q: Is the hype on this mask scandal worth all the chatter via the news folks?

A:  So in the early days of this Covid crisis (spring 2020).....the Health Ministry ran everything and got enthusiastic about masks.....but set up a situation where consumers (the general public) didn't have the masks, and hospitals were thrown into a mess without masks in abundance.  So the idiots at the Health Ministry invented a path for masks to come in via thousands of entrepreneurs. 

It'd like you asking for 10-million feet of rope, and putting a non-rope expert in charge of procurement.  Some of the rope would come in as quality rope, and some as marginal quality.  Same thing occurred with the masks.  Rather than fix the problem.....they sat there on the problem for more than a year. A billion Euro of be dumped somewhere in a garbage pit.

Q: The real loser from yesterday's state election in Saxony-Anhalt?

A: Linke Party.  If you compare the 2016 election to this one.....the Linke Party lost about a third of their voters in a five-year period.  It does not set up a great situation for the September national election for them (they might not even clear 5-percent, the amount needed to have standing in the Bundestag).  

The Mecklenburg state election in September?  The Linke Party took around 13-percent of the vote in the last election......which I doubt they can reach that level in 2021 (I would suggest a fall to around 8-percent in the state election).

Q: Does this Green Party idea of adding 16 Euro-cents to each liter as a tax really do anything?  

A: They seem to believe that it'll make you use bicycles, public buses, trains....even more.

The tax revenue guys are happy because they suspect the majority of people will just keep driving the same amount and pay an extra 500 Euro a year into the tax revenue pot of money.

I would suggest that most flexible voters (independent-minded) will see the 16-cent idea as a scam, and skip the Green Party.

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