Thursday, November 30, 2023


 I was reading a piece (just one journalistic discussion) over the idea that the 'right' people are now lining up in the EU and in the UK gov't to undo BREXIT.  It wouldn't happen in 2024 or 2025....but their discussion led to the idea that the next UK election in early 2025....would bring the 'right' final segment of people into the Brit government to change things.

I sat for the past twelve hours....thinking over the suggestion.

I've come to this opinion that a fair number of British are in a state of confusion (various issues) and that you might be able to persuade a quarter of the flip slides and vote to rejoin.  

But then I came to this one single issue....all of the negatives that Brits talked about for two decades about the EU....still linger in place, and would still be there in 2026 or they rejoin.

Would they just grumble and say the EU can't be fixed.....but we need to be a part of it?

I hate to suggest this....but I think within five years after re-joining the EU...another exit-the-EU group would exist, and BREXIT II would occur by 2035.  

It's like a divorce situation where you really have thrills with the wife, but you hate her spending of money, her constant chatter over stress/turmoil, and her smoking.  So you divorce her...only to find a year later that on the lust index.....she's a '10'.  Then you remarry her to find all the problems still exist.  

You know it's bad when you compare the UK, the EU and a lustful situation all in one analytical situation.  

1 comment:

Daz said...

The EU won't even think about letting them back in for another 10 years or so. They'll wait for cross party unity on the topic, which is going to take a while until the last few diehards concede they've screwed their economy and are now a rule taker instead of a rule maker.

A question to ask any of them is, "what brexit freedom would you miss the most if we went back into the EU tomorrow". Pretty much any answer is going to be something that they already had during EU membership. It's basically a con for the Tories to remove environmental legislation and workers rights.