Thursday, November 23, 2023

Political Chatter

 Lot of hype today in Germany over the Netherlands 'win' yesterday.  For at least two weeks prior to the election....public TV in Germany had kept reaffirming that the left-of-center guys would 'win'.  In some's a light shock that predicted folks didn't win.

In Dutch politics....things are divided enough....that you have a wide array of parties.  So a 'win' typically means you only got around 25-percent of the vote.  This also leads to a wild time in building a coalition and you end up giving up half your promises made to the make the 2nd and 3rd partners happy.

So, what I noticed WELT, is that Klaus Geiger wrote a piece and centered commentary on German politics now....that they need to worry that right-wing politics is now a part of the European spectrum, and that the fall 2025 election might go to the far right (hint: AfD Party).

What Geiger pointed the Netherlands....there were two key points that brought elements of the public out for this particular party.  Then Geiger points at the German situation, and the AfD....saying they have yet to figure two topics out (they are for the most part....a one topic political party....countering migration/immigration only).

On this, I tend to agree.  If you sat down with any AfD enthusiast....they'd want to talk strictly over migrants/immigration.  If they'd figure out a gimmick for tax relief, poverty in Germany, improving schools, lessening crime?  Well....we'd have a totally different election.  

The fact that Argentina and Netherland went this way?  Yeah, it's a bit of a shock in one single week.

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