Saturday, November 4, 2023

The 60,000 Euro Idea

 This week, the youth element of the SPD Party in Germany came out with their newest 'idea'.  I sat and read through this via Focus.

So, they want to present 60,000 Euro to each German who reaches the age of 18 (and is resident of Germany). 

Yeah, just hand the 'kid' 60,000 Euro and give them a boost up early in life.

Where the money would come from?  Tax revenue.  Depending on data, it'd likely be in the 750,000 range of people reaching 18 each year, and would get this 'check'.

I paused over this, and pondered.

If you asked me about the mature nature of a typical 18-year old German....I'd say that one-third of them would simply deposit the money into a bank account and probably not touch it until they were ready to buy a house/condo.  I imagine 1-percent would simply put it into bank account for forty-odd years and retire with the sum still being there.

The bulk  of this group?  Wild

The adults from the SPD Party?  I'm guessing they were shaking their heads and wondering where this idea got created.

Will it get any attention?  No. 

It's just an idea that makes you wonder how people would spend the money.

1 comment:

Daz said...

I think the idea of a reverse pension would help kids launch and get out of home and on their own feet quicker. Everything has been financially stacked to benefit the large voting block born between 45 and 65.

Look at all the bailouts and socialised support this generation has received and is no wonder that people can't get ahead or even move out of home until they're much older it with the support of wealthy parents. I think something like that which is means tested would help redress some massive imbalances.