Saturday, November 11, 2023

This German UFO Story From 1561

 Around forty years ago, I had originally read and pondered over the UFO story in Nuremberg of 1561.

So what you have is a fairly colorful sheet made by a letter-painter....Hans Wolff Glaser.  There's a graphic view of an 'attack' over Nuremberg....supposedly in the morning hours of 14 April 1561, with around 14 lines of text.  

Yes, aerial-type vehicles....lightning bolts....etc.

There are various beliefs today.....that Glaser was not present when this 'attack' occurred, and simply used commentary by locals for the text.

The chief problem with the leaflet?  It's one of a kind....there are no other mentions by anyone in Nuremberg.  

Hoax?  I have some suspicion that Glaser had produced a number of the leaflets and sold them far and wide over the region.   Yeah, it's kinda like that Bigfoot video made for TV....which people cite a good bit for suggesting an actual  'real' Bigfoot.

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