Saturday, November 25, 2023

Just Three Odd Things I Notice

 1.  The FDP Party (leans right-of-center) is a partner of the SPD-Green coalition...leading the government at present. 

The FDP bosses have mailed out a survey poll to members....asking about their feeling of 'continuing'.  Quiet move, and one has to wonder....if a vast number (say 60-percent) say that the partnership should end....would they walk out and trigger a collapse of the coalition?

Hard to find any news publication that has a 'feel' for the survey.  

2.  At least one state in the Bundesrat is talking over a halt to VAT (the sales tax) going back to 19-percent for restaurants/cafes in January.  

Lot of restaurants are saying that the tax (was 19-percent prior to Covid era) will destroy their business model and trigger massive bankruptcy situation.

If the tax is halted?  Well.....puts more pressure on the government to find a way to recover lost 'income'/revenue.

3.  The mayor of Schomberg (town in Baden-Wurttemberg area, 8.5k residents) has gotten into trouble over behavior/words at a meeting in the past week or two.

Guests at the meeting say he was strongly affected by alcohol.

Mayor?  He says that someone put knock-out drops in his drink.  

Pretty odd situation, even for Germans.  

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