Thursday, November 23, 2023

Looking At The Thuringia State Election (Sep 2024)

 It is a far distance away, but this is one of three German state elections in 2024, and it might matter.....on who wins.

Polling for this eastern German state?

Early November 2023, polling indicated that the AfD Party (right-wing) has around 34-percent of public appeal.

2nd place?  CDU Party....right of center, with 22-percent. 

Linke Party in 3rd place with 20-percent.

The fact that the BSW Party (the new party) wasn't included in this poll?  Yeah, that's a problem.  Some people believe that the BSW folks  in this state election would take one-third of the votes away of the Linke, AfD, and CDU parties...meaning it'd be a four-way race with the four ranging from 15-percent to 22-percent (each).

If BSW won the election (even with a marginal 22-percent)?  Well...the question would be....who would form up under them....for a coalition government?  I have my doubts that the SPD, CDU or Greens would do this.  

A complicated mess to form up a coalition state government?  Yeah. It'd be a bad sign for the fall 2025 national election.  

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