Friday, November 24, 2023

What Really Happened To The Migration/Immigration 'Hype' In Germany?

 Essentially, it went from 2014 where the bulk of the public opinion was pro-asylum/pro-migration (probably two-thirds of society felt this way) today where you essentially have still around one-third being enthusiastic....around a quarter being seriously anti-migration, and the remainder asking very difficult questions that the federal government can't handle.  

The four twists?

1.  Koln, 31 December 2015.  New Year's celebration activity went out of control with a serious number of North African gentlemen going into 'bad-boy' activity (fondling German women, firing off fireworks at people, and robbing people of cellphones on the streets).  One-thousand police reports were turned in over a 24-hour period.  

Entire attitude of the city.....from women's prospective, went from pro-asylum to anti-asylum in a matter of four short weeks.  Across the country over the next year....this was a key event.

2.  Federal element forcing down acceptance to smaller towns/villages....where the housing resources and funding wasn't existing to the level required?

Yeah, and from the small-town German....they tend to ask stupid questions that the political guy can't answer.  

3.  The deportation of failed applicants?  

People showed up and figured nothing would stop their asylum request.  Well....after you filled out the form and noted your country status, with your job were evaluated.  

If you didn't speak the language....came from a non-war country, and had no job were a economic refugee, and your potential for an approved form dropped like a rock.

So then came frustrated a failed application response, and they refused to go home.

At various times in the past year....the government would admit that nationally....the number is near 250,000 in waiting to deport....with some states active, and some states doing next to nothing.  The fed folks?  They seem to have no solution or responsibility, and that is creating political tension with the public now.

4.  Finally, about every three or four months, you have some assault...involving a couple of innocent Germans and one migrant (typically with a knife).  Cops respond, and the question comes up....why is the guy 'nuts'? 

Cops typically respond.....the guy has a 'record', noted for previous  arrests, is on a bad-boy list to be deported, and has serious drug issues.  The public turns to the police and asks.....why is he still here?  The police point toward the 'system' and blame political bickering.  

In a comical sort of way....this refusal to resolve or get ahead of the dragging two or three percent of the public each year to a harsh view of reality, and accepting a far-right view of fixing the problem.  

If you were looking at the fall of 2029 (another federal election after the fall of 2025)....the AfD Party might actually be able to get a 35-percent win by that point....just based on crappy achievements on the migration issue.  

The other side of this coin?  Well....they need a manpower solution, and getting some type of 'new-German' migration into the country isn't a stupid idea, but if you were getting a hundred-thousand folks a year with no real schooling or aren't achieving much for the craftsmanship shortages and industry requirements. 

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