Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Driver's License Crap

 Bild had an article today....talking about the national German chatter going on....that getting a driver's license has reached the level of a minimum of 3,000 Euro, and in some cases going up to 4,000 cost.

This is generally what the driver instructor companies are now charging.  Maybe if you live in a fairly rural area, it might still be in the high 2,000 Euro range.  

This a topic with new migrants?  Well....I remember a conversation within a German class where a Syrian young gal (maybe 20) was all hyped up to take the driver's course, and even then in 2017....this was a fair chunk of money required.  

Can the government do much about this?  No.  If there were more instructors....competition would occur and maybe 20-percent of the cost would dissolve.  But with inflation as a problem....I don't see much to resolve this.

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