Thursday, August 24, 2017

American Arms Hotel in Wiesbaden Update

I passed by the old American Arms Hotel today....down on Frankfurter Strasse....appears now to be completely emptied out and shut down.  For roughly 18 months, it served as a transit-point for migrants and immigrants coming into the Wiesbaden region.

The current plan?'ll be torn down....starting sometime in the late fall...the entire complex.

What will come up next is an apartment complex for students (220 units).  I should note that this is a combo deal....with two-dozen-odd apartments for socially-disadvantaged and around seventy high-end apartments.

The draw for student housing?  There's an effort underway to bring Fresenius University (private operation) back from Idstein, and locate them in the city-center of Wiesbaden.  The program discussed?  Several degree areas....but mass media and technology would be two of them.

One might suspect that the bulk of properties to be turned over....even the buildings at the Mainz-Kastel Army site....will eventually all be torn down.

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