Monday, August 14, 2017

Sunday Night with Martin Schulz

It was an interesting show/interview on RTL (the German commercial network) last night.  Typically, they don't get into politics much.  But they went and invited SPD's Martin Schulz and he did a live one-hour show with questions thrown from the audience.

I watched about twenty minutes of the show.  I'll make three observations.

1.  He looked ready.  From what I observed....he didn't goof up or give any stupid comments.  It was a difficult type situation because real people asked the questions.

2.  At some point, toward the very end....he made the comment that if he didn't visit a country as a tourist...that kinda meant that it was not on the safe-to-go list (meaning Turkey).  It was cryptic in a way but most Germans agree on that response.

3.  At this point in the campaign....he is fairly desperate and willing to go on a show like this where it won't be soft questions thrown.  He did ok.

Finally, I will make this observation....this was 10:15PM on Sunday night when it started....fairly late.  Hard to say if that many Germans observed the show.  RTL would NOT have put this on for prime-time....but they did run some commercials during the show.

I should note as well....the moderator was Peter Kloeppel.  Of the top forty journalists in Germany.....I regard him as the most professional and unattached to any political agenda....he is the pure journalist that used to exist before the 1990s.

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