Sunday, April 8, 2018

After-Action in Munster Attack

News media has gone through the Munster episode from yesterday afternoon.  You actually see a fair amount of facts laid out by ARD (Channel One, public TV new).

The guy was known to the cops as a 'petty criminal'.  The cops also say that he was mentally disturbed (not to what degree).  He's a German....not a migrant or immigrant.

News media says that he shot himself, in the camping van.  They haven't explain how he got the gun, which normally would have been impossible because of the criminal status and the mentally disturbed status.

Two people are actually dead from the vehicle attack.  Roughly twenty folks are injured....a couple of them in a serious way.

ARD ran it's Fact-Checker at full-turbo after this episode....blasting as many social media comments were labeling this a Islam-terror event.  They wanted everyone to know that speculations have consequences.  It is a bit humorous in nature because three-quarters of German society don't really trust the two public TV networks on news reported, and believe things are not transparent.

Finally, you come to motive of the dead guy, and some notes by N-TV.  No one can suggest any possible motive.  He did live fairly near the scene that he used the vehicle.  They note that in some recent episode.....he had attempted suicide.  He hadn't grown up in Munster, and he was a 'transplant' from Olsberg (about 50 miles away).  No explanation on what triggered him to move to the area, and that might be part of the story in the end.

Update: Focus reported some insight to the guy in this episode in the last hour.  His original profession was as a designer.  Over the past couple of years....he worked fewer hours hours.  Neighbors all described the guy as strange and often getting into arguments.  The relation to cop reports?'s now said that he was known for stealing car radios and cell phones....mostly to finance a drug habit. 

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