Friday, April 27, 2018

Sanitation Story

Germans go and do things that you don't usually anticipate. ARD (the public TV network folks) went and did a piece on German soccer and sanitation.

Health authorities got around to the Bundesliga stadiums, and decided to do hygiene samples.  Not just the food areas, you'd expect....but the showers, the stands, etc.  Frankfurt, Koln and Bremen were the places used for this testing.

Various stages of abnormalities were found.  In Koln....the beer was even found to have some level of issue.  In Frankfurt, the team showers were found to have problems.

Twenty-seven total 'findings' were noted in the three locations.  'Findings' mean that you need to attend to the issue, because the law mandates it.

I sat and pondered over the story.  You find various German universities now engaged in public testing over sanitation, and bringing more awareness to the general public.  Generally, getting food-poisoning in Germany is awful difficult (I won't say impossible, but you just don't find many people who've ever had food poisoning). 

I've been to one single stadium game in my life (over at Mainz).  Sanitation-wise, I'd have to rate them as a 4-star-plus situation.  It didn't matter where you walked there....they made a huge effort to make it look clean and tidy.

As for this being a big deal?  Well....they haven't tested German trains or subways yet, and I think they would find plenty of sanitation issues there.  Same for schools and universities.  So, I think this is simply part of a trend to alert to the public and hope that they improve sanitation. 

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