Sunday, April 15, 2018

Syrian Attack: No Sign of Germany?

So, after the smoke has cleared....the US, the UK and France took to a resolution with missiles on Syria.  Germany?  Nowhere in the mix.  Why?  I think it comes down to four reasons:

1. For the past five years, there's been no real Syria policy within the German government.  There was no refugee policy.  There was no forceful use of diplomacy. There was a minor deployment of five aircraft into Turkey, but it was used more as a 'token-participation' than anything else.

It is an odd thing.  There is a BREXIT policy.  There is a Trump-containment policy.  There is a long list of policies that do exist. But no real Syria policy.

2.  Merkling.  Kids invented the term two years ago, and it meant a leader or person in authority who just refuses to make decisions, and lets things occur.  There are a fair number of Germans today who are in positions of authority and readily practice this style of leadership.  It's not just at the national's even down into the state and local local. These are people who never make a mistake, but never seize an opportunity either.  I think ten-percent of Germans would refer to this excuse on the list of Syria reasons.

3.  Peace enthusiasts.  There are a fair number of individuals within the various political parties that hype peace over violence, in every single circumstance.

4.  The state of German military maintenance.  Well, it's a stupid reason but I suspect a quarter of Germans would grin and admit....the German military is not capable of dependable operations.  If you went and tasked all of the fighter aircraft to launch tomorrow at 9 might be able to get 50-percent of them into the air.  Same game with tanks....helicopters.....subs and ships.  If they had to fire off twenty-five missiles, I would have my doubts that 90-percent of them would effectively operate and land on the target.

Germans have been working hard to gain such a military over the past twenty years.  In some ways, I think it's been purposeful and planned out that a weak marginalized military exist.

So I come to this odd future path laying there.  From what will remain of the EU after BREXIT....France is the only country capable of military strength.  It's an odd position to crown upon the French but that's reality.  French newspapers can hype this in any manner they desire.  The Germans?  They can hype their peace position, lack of policy, and gutless military situation.

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