Saturday, April 7, 2018

Political Chatter

In two weeks (22 April)....SPD Party parliamentary leader Andrea Nahles is up for election to be the permanent party leader.

To be honest, it's probably a 75-percent chance of her winning, but the party is in some ways disorganized, and someone might come out with a bolder plan for the future.

This week....Nahles hyped up a big threat over two CDU/CSU folks....Seehofer and Spahn.

Every since the announcement of both having a ministry job....they've been busy talking about a lot of things....besides their ministry jobs.

If you were going to ask if this behavior by Seehofer and Spahn were 'normal'.....I'd tend to say that most ministers (at least from the last dozen years) have carefully stayed within the boundary of their ministry work area when talking publicly.  It's more of a unwritten rule, but that was the general expectations of ministry 'bosses'. 

Spahn in this case?  He's hyping up the agenda and working toward the 2021 election....intending to be the national CDU candidate.  Seehofer?  I'm not sure what agenda he is on....other than stirring the pot, and making statements that most Bavarians support.

What does the SPD Party chief Nahles intend to do?  Well....she wants Merkel to pull both gentlemen and direct them to focus ONLY upon their ministry jobs.  In this environment, I have my doubts that Seehofer or Spahn will listen to her and both might suggest that she fire them....just to intimidate her a bit.

The trouble for Nahles?  Seehofer and Spahn are both getting air-time via the news media and newspapers.  As much as the SPD would like to take on big topics and project their party agenda.....the SPD is sitting in the shadow of someone else ahead of them.

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