Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Germans and Non-Germans in the Economy

I was looking at German business and finance news today and saw this tidbit from Focus (the news magazine):

The German Federal Employment Agency says that the German economy is now relying a great deal upon migrants. Every second job....believe it or filled with an immigrant.

There's even some occupations which are now showing almost 40 percent of employees are non-Germans.  That occupation?  Butcher shops and meat processing companies. 

As positive as this sounds.....the same folks admit that there are professions now starting to show a problem in getting younger folks to get certified, trained, and prepared to fill jobs.

The one factor that I found interesting from their in ten folks working in Germany now.....are non-German.  The birth control issue?  Well, that plays into part of this because of the smaller sized families that exist.

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